Monday, July 25, 2011

Jane Austen

So now that I am officially caught up on my blog, I get to post stuff like this.  

I am currently reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.  I am really enjoying it!  The writing style is different then what I have been reading lately.  I love you J.K. Rowlings, but you don't challenge my intellect like Jane Austen.  Before reading this book I read a short biography on her life.  I am so glad I did this because it was nice to know that her stories reflect the social structure she was plopped in. 

She herself never got married, but certainly felt the social pressures too and spent way too much time developing the skills to beome a proper wife.  During this time (the turn of the 19th century) women could not make a cent on their own.  They were defined by the husband they married, and spent their time developing skills that would make them more qualified for a better match.  BLAUGH.  I threw up in my mouth a little when I read this.  Can you think of anything worse?  The only, only, ONLY cool thing about this was that piano happened to be one of these skills that were developed. 

The fact that the brilliance of Jane Austen emerged from this time is incredible.  Her father encouraged reading and writing which was her saving grace.  The Austen family would spend evenings acting out different plays often written by Austen herself.  I read one of them called Love and Friendship.  It was very funny! She was only 14 when she wrote it.  I love that I too came from a family where education was such a high priority.  I never questioned whether or not I would be going to college because it simply was the next thing you do once you graduate.  Reading was such an important part of growing up.  I think some of my favorite memories are at Barnes and Nobles with both my mom and dad.  It is still one of my favorite places in Bountiful.  

Lauren use to read out loud to me every single night.  To this day I can't think of anything better to fall asleep to!  


  1. Sherpa's nose and Jane. Perfect. This is on my to-read list. I can't believe I haven't read it! Next, the movies.

  2. You mean I have had it wrong all these years. I thought it was you reading Harry Potter to Lauren. Oh well, I knew you were reading to each other at night and I loved your interest and intensity. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I learned some things.

  3. I love Sherpa's introduction to this post. And I love the post! I told my sister yesterday about our books conversation, about the Kindle, and about your reading success (and my jealousy-- the god kind). :) You've inspired me yet again! I'm off to read...
