Thursday, March 1, 2012

The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance

The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween DanceThe New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance by Elna Baker

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

While listening to NPR on my way home from school I caught the tail end of an interview with Elna Baker, the author of this book. I identified with this character so intensely. I sat in my driveway for at least 15 minutes completely absorbed with Elna. A few days later Melissa called me on the phone and mentioned this same interview! Interestingly enough she had to stop listening almost exactly when I started to listen. We compared notes, and I felt further compelled to read the book.

I am so glad I read this book. I have never felt so intimately connected to an author in the way I do Elna. I related to her in such a profound way. I am convinced that I need to be friends with this women. I strongly urge any person who has ever experienced religious turmoil to read this book.

View all my reviews


  1. How would it be for a girl who has had religious soul searching and questions, but not really turmoil?? Maybe I could read it to understand more where you are coming from??

  2. Didn't hear the program. Didn't read the book. But I just love NPR. I have had many driveway moments when I started listening to a story on the way home and just had to stay in my car to hear the rest. Great station with so many interesting ideas.

  3. Mom-I think you should read it. Absolutely.

    Mattie-I think you should read. Period.

    Grandma-I adore, adore, ADORE NPR and the app allows me to listen while I eat breakfast each morning.
